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The meaning of quality – The Origins

The word quality derives from the latin word “qualitas” which comes from qualis, quale. According to philosophy it refers to the description of one or more permanent properties in reference to an entity. Now without immersing ourselves too much in the world of Aristotle, Cicerone and Cartesio, we use the word in more practical terms to sum up the skills or strengths of a product or person. In fact, quality is what distinguishes one thing from another. Each object or person has thier own strengths or skills. These qualities must be constant, meaning repeated in the same way at different times and in different situations. For example wool has an insulating quality, infact this property insolates not only from the cold but also from the heat

quality(Our basic concept)

Quality in the world of underwear

In the production phase, where the primary materials are transformed into a finished garment, the quality is defined with an added value which is that the garments satisfy the needs of the consumers. Take for example a cotton tee-shirt, we must take into account the type of primary material and how it has been worked and finished. While its true that cotton is the primary material it is also true that there are many different types of this fiber, all of which have different attributes, according to the place of origin, the processes it has been subject to and finally the type of fabric produced.

quality(Egyptian cotton)

Keeping in mind these factors, it is clear that if a thick and rough cotton is used  instead of  Lisle cotton yarn, the result on the skin would be very different. Given that quality is tied to the perception that we have of a product, it goes without saying that the second marker the tactile sensation, will also be very different; definitely more pleaseing on the skin. In the same way that a woollen jumper made in cashmere will certainly be more pleasant than a jumper made of the much rougher Shetland wool.  A badly made pattern can also effect comfort and wearability of the final garment.

quality(Hand made garments)

The importance of manufacturing.

For Visconti di Angera, which makes high quality it’s trademark it is very important that all processes are completed to the highest level. Starting from the choice of primary material, to the following  production processes. We work in the same very accurate way, the phases are slow; our circular machines produce very little fabric daily but the result is excellent. In fact it is very rare that things made quickly are perfect.

quality(Knitting department)

Our patterns are very precise thanks to the CAD system which allows us to develop symmetrical forms. The sewing is done by hand with natural fibers, this avoids allergies and in many cases the seams are flat, with the aim of providing  maxium comfort. Also the treatments of the fabrics are done observing the time necessary to guarantee the best results and according to Italian law, which enforces high standards for the protection of the customer. Quality which can be found in each small detail combines to make a prestigious  garment with no aspect overlooked. Often, in cheap garments, the dyeing is made with chemical agents forebidden in Italy such as formaldehyde which is cancinogenic.

quality(Patterns – C.A.D)

(treatment room)

The Result

All these factors combine to give excellent results. Italy is famous for its high quality products, including fashion, sports cars, and food . Can you imagine a Ferrari that is made in China? or Parmesan cheese made in Pakistan? No, the idea in unimaginable. To make high quality products you need competence, precision, excellent primary materials, tradition and time…. lots and lots  of time. This is how you produce high quality products and the made in italy label, which we are qualified to use is an assurance of this. You will definitely pay a higher price but you will get value in terms of durability and product satisfaction. It is undeniable that high quality products keep their attributes over time which is an economic adavntage not to be overlooked.